Who is this Jesus?

There are so many beautiful stained glass windows, paintings, sculptures and even movies that depict Jesus in a variety of ways. My favorite portrait is one of Jesus laughing as it shows a deep joy and freedom in him. I believe he laughed at the enemy because he is our victory. He laughed out of sheer joy because he is joy. I’m pretty sure he laughed with his disciples as they shared moments about their days around a fire.

Some photos show a solemn Jesus. There were certainly many moments where our beautiful savior had to face very painful realities. He wept over Jerusalem because they didn’t recognize him as their peace. (Luke 19:42) He wept in the garden of Gethsemane, knowing the brutal death he was about to endure for our sake.

There are portraits of Jesus looking angry as he confronted the religious spirit of the day seen in the Pharisees, (Matthew 23) and there are those that so beautifully illustrate his deep compassion for the sick and hurting. (Matthew 14:14)

We just have to read through the gospels to be reminded that Jesus was a man just like us who experienced deep emotions of joy and sadness and righteous anger.

He was also one who knew the authority given him by his Father.

He went about healing the sick, driving out demons, raising the dead multiplying food and turning water into wine. As his disciples did life with their Teacher, they experienced first hand the very real aspects of his personality. He truly was a man just like us.

As we walk with him, let’s enjoy moments of deep joy at his goodness as well as times of weeping at what is unjust. Let’s boldly exercise the authority we have been given as sons and daughters of the Most High.

“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Michelle Haswell

Michelle pastors Northlands church alongside her husband. She is known for her prophetic gifting and her heart for God’s people.


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